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.NET 9 has been released and this is how you update
Find out how you can update your ASP.NET Core application to .NET 9 from updating Visual Studio, downloading the SDK and finding out about breaking changes.
Data Annotations vs FluentValidation: Which should you use?
Get started with Data Annotations and FluentValidation in ASP.NET Core with validation examples for your .NET project like required and email validation.
EF Core migration features that you might not know about
Invaluable Entity Framework Core migration features such as Entity Type Configuration, Seed Data, Value Converters and running a SQL command.
Write cleaner code in C# with changes you may not know about
We'll take a look at the C# features and improvements over the years that help you to write cleaner code and improve it's readability.
.NET 7 apps are now vulnerable and must be updated now!
.NET 7 has entered End of Life (EOL) meaning apps are vulnerable to known bugs, security issues and must be updated to a supported .NET version now!
Popular C# coding questions to prep for a technical interview
We look at eight popular C# technical interview questions and answers that will help you prep for your coding assessment and help you secure a job.
Essential .NET and C# interview preparation advice
.NET and C# interview prep on how to apply for a job, tips to get the best possible salary and questions you may be asked alongside answers.
Land your next .NET job role with these helpful resume tips
Struggling to get your next .NET and C# job? Read how to improve your resume so companies show enthusiasm in your job application, even if you have no experience.
Why does LINQ have so many ways to return one element?
A LINQ query in C# has many ways to return one element from a list and we compare each one and find out the differences between each one.
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