.NET tutorials

What are partial classes in C# and why do we use them?

What are partial classes in C# and why do we use them?

Find out what partial classes are in C#, examples of how to use them, the rules that we need to follow and why we use them.
Use ASP.NET Core feature management to toggle flags on & off

Use ASP.NET Core feature management to toggle flags on & off

ASP.NET Core's feature management allows you to toggle feature flags on and off by specifying them in appsettings and writing filters.
Add a SignalR hub to ASP.NET Core & connect using JavaScript

Add a SignalR hub to ASP.NET Core & connect using JavaScript

Learn how to add a SignalR hub to an ASP.NET Core app and how to connect to it by using a WebSocket through JavaScript.
Do you use IConfiguration, IOptions or IOptionsSnapshot?

Do you use IConfiguration, IOptions or IOptionsSnapshot?

Is either IConfiguration, IOptions or IOptionsSnapshot the best way to inject configuration values from appsettings.json to an ASP.NET Core Web API?
How to use VS Code to develop and build a .NET application

How to use VS Code to develop and build a .NET application

How to develop a .NET application with VS Code, including how to install the .NET SDK, adding extensions and how to build and run an app.
How to find a client's geolocation in .NET with IP lookup

How to find a client's geolocation in .NET with IP lookup

Add geolocation to your .NET project by doing an IP address lookup so you know the country where your client's are located.
Add Stripe to your .NET project to accept online payments

Add Stripe to your .NET project to accept online payments

Add Stripe to your ASP.NET Core project to take online payments with this checkout example that uses the Stripe.net NuGet package.
When does the try, catch and finally code blocks run in C#?

When does the try, catch and finally code blocks run in C#?

We have a look at a console app and ASP.NET Core app to see if the try, catch and finally statements always run in C# when an exception is thrown.
How to use C# async/await for API calls & to stop blocking

How to use C# async/await for API calls & to stop blocking

Learn how to make an async method in C# that does an await on an ASP.NET Core Web API request and returns a Task type.
How to use HttpClient correctly to avoid socket exceptions

How to use HttpClient correctly to avoid socket exceptions

Learn the best practices on how to use HttpClient correctly and avoid socket exceptions by using HttpClientFactory in an ASP.NET Core Web API.