.NET tutorials

Using reflection to create a dynamic OnModelCreating in Entity Framework

Using reflection to create a dynamic OnModelCreating in Entity Framework

Using System.Reflection to invoke static OnModelCreating methods, allowing Entity Framework models to be invoked dynamically.
Getting started with CORS in ASP.NET Core

Getting started with CORS in ASP.NET Core

Discussing how to integrate Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and using it to restrict origin, verbs and headers from the referrer.
Binding, child components, parameters and event callbacks in Blazor

Binding, child components, parameters and event callbacks in Blazor

Use some of Blazor's tools to create a simple message application that allows you to create, read, update and delete messages.
Intro to Blazor and creating a Blazor app from scratch

Intro to Blazor and creating a Blazor app from scratch

Learn how to create a Blazor app by using the tools in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components assembly and setting up Razor Components and Razor Pages.
Integrating SignalR with React TypeScript and ASP.NET Core

Integrating SignalR with React TypeScript and ASP.NET Core

Learn how to install SignalR on React and ASP.NET Core and integrate and invoke methods through a SignalR Hub. Also a fix for an SSL bug.
Add a React app to your ASP.NET Core application

Add a React app to your ASP.NET Core application

Learn about the methods inside Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices to allow you to run a React application inside a ASP.NET Core application.
Setting up your DbContext for Entity Framework in .NET Core

Setting up your DbContext for Entity Framework in .NET Core

How to set up a connection string, adding entities, setting up migrations and overriding any methods for your Entity Framework Core DbContext.
Hooking into Mediator pipelines

Hooking into Mediator pipelines

Using the MediatR library, we are going to hook into the pipelines, RequestPreProcessor and RequestPostProcessor. See a .NET Core MVC video on MediatR.
Examples using the sys schema in SQL Server

Examples using the sys schema in SQL Server

Use objects in the sys Schema to retrieve information about database tables, columns, views, stored procedures and info about clients connected to your DB.
How to create and read CSV, Excel and PDF files in .NET for free

How to create and read CSV, Excel and PDF files in .NET for free

Save time and money by automating CSV, Excel and PDF files in .NET. Working examples of how you can write and read these popular documents.