Using Moq in an xUnit project to unit test a .NET project

Download our xUnit and class library projects to mock objects as part of unit tests.

The class library has a class and a few interfaces that use the Moq mocking framework to create mock objects that are used as part of unit tests.

C# coding challenges

C# coding challenges

Our online code editor allows you to compile the answer.

The code example shows you how to set up methods to return a particular response, how to verify the number of times a method is called and how to handle exceptions.


This is the software that will need to be installed onto your machine.

Get the application working

These are the steps to get the application working.

  • Fill out the code example form. We will send you an email where you can download the code example.

You are now ready to go.

Open the project in Visual Studio

Open up RoundTheCode.xUnitMock.sln in Visual Studio 2022.

To open up Test Explorer in Visual Studio, you can go to Test and Test Explorer in the top-menu.

Run all the tests and you should find that they all pass.

More information

Watch our video tutorial where we show you how to set up mocking in an xUnit test project.

As well as that, read our Moq tutorial where you'll learn how to set up methods to return a value, how to verify the number of times a method is called, and how to handle exceptions.