.NET 7 code examples for ASP.NET Core

.NET 7 has been released, and we'll preview what's new in ASP.NET Core.

The features that are included in this code example include:

  • Rate limiter
  • Parameter binding with dependency injection in API controllers
  • OpenAPI improvements for Minimal APIs
  • File uploads in Minimal APIs

You'll be able to download the code so you can try out these features for yourself.


This is the software that will need to be installed onto your machine.

Get the application working

These are the steps to get the application working.

  • Fill out the code example form. We will send you an email where you can download the code example.

You are now ready to go.

Open the project in Visual Studio

Open up RoundTheCode.DotNet7.sln in Visual Studio 2022.

Start the project in Visual Studio.

Hit https://localhost:9573/swagger, and you can test out the new .NET 7 features using Swagger.

  • Rate limiter can be used hitting endpoint /ratelimiter
  • Parameter binding with DI can be used by hitting endpoint /my
  • Open API improvements for Minimal APIs can be used by hitting endpoint /minimal-api
  • File uploads in Minimal APIs can be used by hitting endpoint /upload-file

More information

Watch our video where we test out the new .NET 7 features.

In addition, you can read more about what's new in ASP.NET Core for .NET 7.