C# 11 features: Download samples

C# 11 has a release date of November 2022, and will be launched with .NET 7.

However, we are able to preview some of the C# 11 features that are included right now.

The features included in this code sample include:

  • Required members
  • Auto-default structs
  • Raw string literals
  • Generic attributes
  • List patterns


This is the software that will need to be installed onto your machine.

Get the application working

These are the steps to get the application working.

  • Fill out the code example form. We will send you an email where you can download the code example.

You are now ready to go.

Open the project in Visual Studio

Open up RoundTheCode.CSharp11.sln in Visual Studio 2022 Preview.

Look at the code, or run the console application to see it in action.

More information

Watch our video where we preview some of the C# 11 features.

In addition, you can read about C# 11: features for .NET 7.