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How to use Moq for mocking objects with xUnit and .NET

How to use Moq for mocking objects with xUnit and .NET

Learn how to use Moq for mocking objects like classes and interfaces in an xUnit test project when writing unit tests for .NET and C# projects.
How to use xUnit to run unit testing in .NET and C#

How to use xUnit to run unit testing in .NET and C#

xUnit beginners tutorial on how to run unit testing in C# and .NET using the Fact and Theory attributes, as well as focusing on different Assert methods.
How to create ASP.NET Core Web API CRUD methods

How to create ASP.NET Core Web API CRUD methods

We create an ASP.NET Core Web API project and show CRUD examples using GET, POST, PUT & DELETE methods with routing as well as how to test in Postman.
How to create and add custom middleware in ASP.NET Core

How to create and add custom middleware in ASP.NET Core

Find out how to create custom middleware using C# and add it to a .NET app by adding HTTP response headers to an ASP.NET Core Web API request.